Welcome to the Åfeldt family Web Site!
This web site is the result of about 10 years of genealogy research of my family's history. Over the years, I have managed to collect a lot of material and information related to our family history and members, which I would like to share to all who are interested.
Who am I then?
My name is Freddy Åfeldt, and I live Stockholm, Sweden together with my wife Kristina Åfeldt and our twins - Erik and Julia - born 20th January 2015.
Erik and Julia represents the eleventh generation Åfeldt.
Our Åfeldt-family has its roots in northeastern parts of the county of Uppland, Sweden. It is around the parishes/places named Vendel and Viksta, where the oldest footprints of our family history can be found. I have been visiting these parts of Sweden myself, and have documented and taken photos of these towns, churches and other historical place where our ancestors used to live and work.
I want to dedicate this web site to my grandfather Karl-Erik Åfeldt (1927-2012) and my grandmother Edel Åfeldt, both of which have meant incredibly much to me in my life.
Some years ago, I had the pleasure to get in touch with a number of distant relatives in the U.S. so I thought it was funny if they too could take part in all the information I found to, so therefore there is now also an English version of the website which can be accessed by clicking on the English flag perched on top on the start page.
Also, I have started on a German version of the web site, due to that there are connections with Germany / Poland and I think it could be an advantage to have german version so people who knows german also can take part of the information provided.
Please help to make the website known among relatives and of course to all who may be interested in family history.
Of course, feel free to contact me if you have any information about the family that you think might be interesting. Contact details can be found on the startpage.
I hope that this homepage can be of any kind of inspiration for other people that shares the same passion than I do - genealogy research.
/Freddy Åfeldt